Monday, September 03, 2007

Today (Sept. 3) 68 years ago: Blitzkrieg

I am very emotional when it comes to war. We are supposed to be. I cry while watching war movies. I hate war. I know all of us do. I recently bought an acclaimed "Golden Globe" winning HBO series called "Band of Brothers". It is brilliant. It goes through the war starting on D-Day from the perspective of Easy Company a company of paratroopers. It forces me to never forget the cost. By the time all was said and done the war cost the lives of over 60 million Allied peoples; 14 millions soldiers and 36 million civilians, including the 6 million killed in the Holocaust. The Axis lost 12 million; 8 million soldiers, 4 million civilians. That is almost 100 million people. One war. Not to mention World War one where over 10 million died. I can't imagine a million--its impossible to capture the tragedy in all of this by citing numbers--it becomes too much for the heart to bear. Too impersonal to conceive--so we push it out and move on. But we shouldn't. And, even as someone who has more of a pacifict bent because I do not believe Jesus wants anyone to fight wars, I can do nothing but stand in awe of those who fought; they were indeed the "Bravest Generation".

Why do I mention this today? Other than the fact that we should speak about these things more regularly than just "important dates", well this is why:

On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, using the false pretext of a faked "Polish attack" on a German border post. On September 3 (today), the United Kingdom issued an ultimatum to Germany. No reply was received, and Britain, Australia and New Zealand declared war on Germany, followed later that day by France. Soon afterwards, South Africa, Canada and Nepal also declared war on Germany.

I am thankful we serve a God that holds this hope out in the prophets:
"[One day] They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore" (Isaiah 2).

In this context the words that close off the entire Bible make so much sense don't they?
"Come Lord Jesus Come"


Tyler and Leah said...

amen brother. I think we are a such a lazy generation that has lived without war directly affecting us, so we don't think about the consequences of war anymore. War is something that happens over there in other countries , not here or by our country. I think we will be in for a rude awaking in the near future as the war in the middle east and Africa continues and grows. I am interested to see how much Canada gets involved in the UN relief in the Sudan.

Unknown said...

I am still working through what is worth going to war over. The Bible is full of battles. It is a consequence of sin in the world. Where I struggle is seeing injustice in the world and feeling that words are not enough. What would the world have looked like today if all the world did in 1940 was say "what you are doing is not right" and possibly impose some economic sanctions?

What are Christians supposed to do with a people group/Nation who apposes God and all He is and begins to impose that upon you?

islandgirl said...

I was wondering if Band of Brothers was good. I'll check it out now that you recommend it.

Anonymous said...

Hiroshima was 51 years before that blog and blitzkrieg was 68 years ago, so you wrote the Hiroshima blog 11 years ago?

Mark Clark said...

Yes, anonymous, you were right I did have a mathematical mistake therel instead of 51 years ago the Hiroshima bomb (the article below) was dropped 62 years ago. Thanks.