Monday, January 15, 2007

Sienna: A Life Dedicated to God

Erin and I continue to live and breathe our daughter Sienna, and have both concluded that she is our common best friend. She is a person that we dedicate to God and ask that He raises her in his ways. That He draws her to faith in Jesus and into a Spirit-filled life. That she would think of others as greater than herself and live and move as the Spirit leads her. That she would work hard at understand and living out the gospel (the "good news") of Jesus in a world filled with bad news. That she would be defined by the grace and love of Christ in a world filled with un-grace and hate toward people for a litany of "reasons": race, creed, religion, etc. We pray that we would be good models of God's new creation to our daughter for all the days that He graciously gives us to spend with her. Amen.

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